Student ServiceStudent Service


But he wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus, "And who is my neighbor?" Luke 10:29

Luke 10:29-36 encourages us to live a life of service and seek out opportunities to fulfill God’s call to show mercy to others. Concordia University’s Service-Learning Program encourages students to become involved in service-learning both inside and outside the classroom. The program creates and schedules opportunities for students to serve their neighbors on campus, in the local community, and even, across the world.

To learn more about the activities of the Service-Learning Program, check out the different web pages to the left of this page or connect with the program through one of the ways listed below. We look forward to serving with you!

Get Involved with Service!

To learn more about service opportunities with the CTX Service-Learning Program, register for our profile on GivePulse. This will allow you to RSVP for our events on GivePulse as well as see volunteer opportunities throughout the Austin area.  You will also be able to view CTX Service-Learning events on Concordia Hub and on the University Calendar

CTX Food and Resource Center

Support & Use the CTX Food and Resource Center

The Service-Learning Program oversees a campus food pantry located in the Service-Learning Center (Student Development Center, F-201) for use by CTX students. This resource is available to any student who is experiencing food insecurity and would benefit from receiving food items.  The pantry is available any time that the Student Development Center is open.  Members of the campus community are also invited to donate food and hygiene items to the pantry in one of the two donation bins (outside of F-201 and next to the Service-Learning Table, 1st floor of Bldg C) or to purchase items from our Amazon list (

Build Wells & Change Lives

The Service-Learning Program coordinates an annual fundraising effort to raise money for Water to Thrive, a non-profit organization that builds wells in villages in Africa. Members of the campus community have the chance to learn more about the water crisis in Ethiopia, Uganda, and Tanzania, and to provide financial support for well projects. Learn more about our partnership by visiting the Water to Thrive webpage!

Donate to Water to Thrive Today

Contact Us for More Information


Visit: The Service-Learning Table on the first floor of Bldg C or the Service-Learning Center in F-201.

Follow: CTX Service-Learning | @CTXServiceLearn | ctxservicelearning

To stay up to date on the latest Service-Learning news, check out our social media for new posts and blogs.

Ann Schwartz, Program Coordinator,

Academically Based Service Learning - Service Opportunties - Service Learning Leaders

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