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Belonging Like Jesus: A Message from Pastor Jake Boessling

October 21, 2024 by Pastor Jake Boessling
Students at the Center for Belonging and Faith

At Concordia University Texas, Jesus is our ultimate model and teacher. He showed us what true hospitality and belonging look like by creating spaces where all people felt welcome, even before they fully understood who He was. As it says in Matthew 11:28, Jesus invites us all, saying, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Think about the women at well (John 4), Nicodemus (John 3), Zacchaeus (Luke 19), and so many others received Jesus’ hospitality. In much the same way, we invite students from all backgrounds—from different abilities, cultures, nationalities, and ethnicities—into a relationship with Christ and with each other. Many of the people Jesus embraced were misunderstood, marginalized, or excluded, yet He brought them into community, creating a sense of belonging. This is the work we are doing at the Center for Belonging and Faith.

In higher education, students often arrive with diverse experiences, each with their own unique stories, challenges, and aspirations. Just as Jesus welcomed those who felt left out to journey with Him in an ongoing transparent relationship, we strive to ensure that every student at Concordia feels seen, heard, and valued in our relationship with them. Through our Center for Belonging and Faith, we aim to provide not only academic opportunities but also a sense of spiritual and cultural belonging. Romans 15:7 reminds us, “Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.” This is at the heart of the community we are building here—a community where students can thrive in every aspect of their lives.

Our foundation is the unchanging truth of God's Word. Hebrews 13:8 declares, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” As a Christian institution of higher learning, Concordia Texas provides more than academic growth—we cultivate spaces for personal and spiritual transformation. We believe that through these experiences, students are empowered to not only succeed academically but to find purpose and belonging in their lives. Our hope is that all students will come to know that they belong to God, who created them for a meaningful purpose. 1 John 3:1 affirms, “See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are.”

Let me invite you to come check out the Center for Faith and Belonging. We would love to give you a tour, listen in to a Faith+ or Belonging+ seminar, and leave a note to encourage students as they pass through. Come see it for yourself and let’s continue the discussion on why this Center is important to us.

For me, the Center represents a symbol of our Concordia Texas core values. Pretend you are walking through the halls, in and out of offices and classrooms, talking with people along the way. I believe you will experience the values of Christ-centered, trust, care for people, lifelong learning, vocation, and courage as you listen in, observe the culture, and hear stories of what Concordia means to them. And then coming into the Center for Belonging and Faith, you find that space is a symbol of those same values that have been lived out for years in the daily lives of the students, faculty, staff, and alumni of Concordia Texas.

We invite you to co-labor with us in this important work as we build an environment where students from all backgrounds can thrive academically, personally, and spiritually. Just as Jesus welcomed and embraced those around Him, we seek to do the same at Concordia Texas, equipping students to grow not only in knowledge but also in faith and love.

In Christ,
Pastor Jake Boessling
Campus Pastor and Director of Campus Ministry
Concordia University Texas

Rev. Jake Boessling

Rev. Jake Boessling has been serving at Concordia University Texas since 2021. He served as a DCE and Pastor at Christ Greenfield in Gilbert/Mesa, Arizona for 16 years before joining our team. He was ordained in 2017 through the LCMS Cross Cultural Ministry Center program at Concordia University Irvine. His role includes teaching New Testament, leading the Campus Ministry Team and helping develop our Christ-centered culture among the staff, students, and faculty.


Rev. Jake Boessling