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Facilities Management

Facilities Management is responsible for providing a safe, comfortable and attractive environment in which students and employees of Concordia University Texas can effectively focus on its mission to develop Christian leaders.

Daily Operations

Facilities Management will develop a culture of professionalism and with a focus on superior customer service.

  • All work orders will be responded to within 24 hours.
  • Facilities Management will establish a category of work order requests which will include comfort issues and will be responded to immediately.
  • The maintenance shop will be staffed during normal University business hours. During off-hours a staff member will be reachable through an on-call telephone.
  • Staff will become better trained. This will provide greater depth in the areas of critical systems and quicker response with a higher quality of service.
  • An effective inventory management and material indexing system will be developed and implemented.
  • The maintenance shop will be maintained in a clean and organized manner. It will be evaluated at the end of every shift.

Action Items

  1. Increased staff - an administrator and one additional skilled maintenance worker will improve service by spreading the workload, increasing organization and allowing the time needed for professional development.
  2. Install "Schooldude" work order system and eventually add the inventory module. Continue the development of the various material matrices.
  3. Increase space in the maintenance shop with a metal building, a mezzanine or some combination of both. More office space is needed as well as a way to effectively separate the wood shop for noise and dust control.
  4. Take advantage of organizations like BOMA and AAFAME, visit other facilities and learn best practices from highly professional organizations.
  5. Partner staff members together so they can cross-train each other.

Campus Involvement

Facilities Management will establish a more visible presence and be seen as an integral member of the campus community with regards to our mission.

  • Members of the campus community will know the Facilities Management staff on a first name basis. They will feel welcome in bringing their concerns directly to Facilities Management staff.
  • The community will be more aware of the issues Facilities Management faces and the direction we are moving in for solutions.
  • Facilities Management will be seen as a resource for learning opportunities through the expanded role of student workers and internship programs.

Action Items

  1. Continue to host events (such as the Disposal BBQ) to give community members the opportunity to get to know the Facilities Management staff.
  2. Participate in the campus newsletter to keep the public up-to-date on current issues.
  3. Launch various information/marketing campaigns as we implement changes around campus; i.e. a new native landscaping plan.
  4. Work with faculty to develop internship opportunities. Students can help resolve some of real world challenges.

Environmental, Health Safety Issues

Facilities Management will author and implement various programs required by regulatory agencies. Not only are most, if not all of these programs mandatory, they represent sound business practices and good stewardship.

  • Health and Safety Program (OSHA)
  • Hazardous Communication Program (EPA)
  • SWPP (Storm Water Protection Program)
  • SPCC (Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure) plan
  • Hazardous Waste Program
  • Non-Hazardous Waste Program
  • Recycling Program
  • Energy Management Program
  • Long-term Environmental Land Management Plan

Action Items

  1. Create and maintain necessary inventories and associated MSDS binders.
  2. Develop procedures and enter into service agreements for managing waste streams.
  3. Work with consultants and mentors to develop compliant written programs.
  4. Purchase and implement appropriate training materials.
  5. Implement a public awareness campaign to educate the campus about various programs and how they can help.
  6. Acquire energy monitoring system and conduct in-depth assessments of buildings and systems.
  7. Continue to explores green and sustainable solutions such as LED lighting, solar panels, etc.

Preventative, Deferred and Capital Projects

Facilities Management will establish and maintain comprehensive lists of preventative/ongoing maintenance, deferred projects and capital projects. These lists will prove valuable information in establishing manpower and budgetary needs.

  • A preventative/ongoing maintenance list tied to manufacturers requirements will help prolong the life of equipment. It will also be useful in establishing inventory needs.
  • The deferred issues list will span the spectrum of systems on campus. Properly prioritized the list will help Facilities Management begin to get ahead of recurring issues and operate more pro-actively.
  • Capital projects may require consultants for evaluation of future systems and accurate budget projections.

Action Items

  1. Purchase and implement the Preventative Maintenance module for "Schooldude" work order system.
  2. Input time, equipment and consumables values from manufacturers documentation, actual experience or best practice information.
  3. Use scheduling module to schedule work and stock appropriate inventory.
  4. Assign manpower and budget estimates to a deferred issues list. Prioritize in a manner that resolves recurring black holes of manpower.
  5. Assign budget values and priorities to capital list, work with consultants to determine the direction of the systems.
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