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Class Management Tools

This page is for instructors. For student support topics, click here.

Class Management Tools


Note: MyInfo will have the most up-to-date course rosters. Log in to MyInfo.

A roster is a list of users (students) enrolled in a course. Roster is located in the Tools section of the Navigation Pane. Once you have entered the Roster, you can:

  • Search for specific users in a course by entering a name
  • View an entire list of users in a course by leaving the search bar blank

Instructors can also view and print rosters from their Grade Center. Click here to go to the Grade Center page.


Tasks help keep track of work to be completed. They have statuses and due dates. Tasks are located in the Tools section of the Navigation Pane.

To create a task:

  1. Click on Create Course Tasks
  2. Fill in name of task and due date
  3. Give your task a priority: High, Normal, or Low
  4. Click Submit to create task

Online Attendance

Online attendance is located in the Tools section of the Navigation Pane. Students will be able to view recorded attendance.

  • How do I set up Online Attendance?
  • How do I record attendance for the current date?
  • How do I record attendance for a past date?
  • How can I check attendance records?
  • How can I create a seating chart?
  • How can I export attendance data?

How do I set up Online Attendance?

  1. Go to Dates Setup and configure dates and times of class meetings.
  2. After entering dates and times, start and end dates of course will be required, as will days of the week the class meets.
  3. Enter all information correctly, as data could be lost if changes are made to these dates later

Attendance can also be taken using a seating chart. To use this option, go to Seating Setup and configure the number of rows and columns in the classroom.

How do I record attendance for the current date?

  1. If dates have been configured, the date in the dropdown list should be the most recent class date.
  2. By default, all students are selected as present (P).
  3. When finished recording student status, click Save Attendance.
  4. A message will appear indicating attendance has been saved.

How do I record attendance for a past date?

  1. Select the appropriate date from the dropdown list next to the radio button.
  2. Change the radio buttons.
  3. Click Save Attendance.

Note: Next to the radio buttons are the attendance records that have been recorded for that student for up to five dates prior to the date selected in the dropdown list. A dash indicates that attendance on that date has NOT been taken.

How can I check attendance records?

The Report option gives a quick look at the number of days a student has been present, absent, late, excused, and unexcused. Clicking on the name of an individual student shows attendance values for each day for that user.

How can I create a seating chart?

The Seating Chart option assigns students to a particular seat in your classroom. Before using this option, the number of rows and columns in this classroom must be specified in Setup.

  • One student can be assigned per seat in the classroom.
  • A seat can also be specified as Empty or Aisle from the dropdown list.
  • Once all seats are assigned, choose Save Seating Chart to save the selections.

For larger classes, it may be quicker to take attendance from the seating chart:

  • The Attendance by Seat option uses the seating chart.
  • The seats that have students assigned will have a dropdown list containing P (Present), A (Absent), L (Late), E (Excused), or U (Unexcused).
  • After the attendance for each seat has been selected, choose Save Attendance to save selections.

How can I export attendance data?

The Export option will save the attendance records of each student as an Excel sheet.


Use of the Calendar tool is not recommended. However, click here to learn how create your own calendar for tracking important dates and events.


  • How do I start creating a group?
  • How do I create more than one group at a time?
  • How do I create a self-enroll group?
  • How do I create a manual enroll group?
  • How do I create a random enroll group?

How do I start creating a group?

  1. Select the course you want to create a group for.
  2. In the Course Management Control Panel, select Groups from Users and Groups.
  3. Select an option from either Create Single Group or Create Group Set to begin the process of creating a group.

How do I create more than one group at a time?

Through Create Group Set, you can create more than one group at a time. Self-enroll, manual enroll, and random enroll groups are all available through the Create Group Set dropdown menu.

How do I create a self-enroll group?

A self-enroll group allows for students to join the group by signing themselves up. The students see the "sign-up sheet" on their Groups page.

  1. Select Self-Enroll from the Create Single Group dropdown menu.
  2. Name the group.
  3. Ensure that you have the availability options that you want checked (yes or sign-up sheet only)
  4. Check the tools that you want to be available to this group and if you want them to be graded or not.
  5. Fill in the sign-up options.
  • Name the sheet
  • Provide instructions
  • Enter the maximum number of members.
  • Make sure that "Allow students to sign-up from the Groups listing page" is checked

6. Click Submit to create your group.

How do I create a manual enroll group?

A manual enroll group requires the instructor to assign students to a group.

  1. Select Manual Enroll from the Create Single Group dropdown menu.
  2. Name the group.
  3. Check the tools that you want to be available to the group and if you want them to be graded or not.
  4. Select the students that you want to place in the group.
  5. Click Submit to create your group.

How do I create a random enroll group?

A random enroll group distributes students into groups randomly based on the number of students per group or the desired number of groups. It can only be created through the Create Group Set dropdown menu.

  1. Select Random Enroll from the Create Group Set dropdown menu.
  2. Name the group.
  3. Check the tools that you want to be available to the group and if you want them to be graded or not.
  4. Determine the number of groups by either number of students or by number of groups.
  5. If there are any remaining students, decide whether to:
  • Distribute the rest of the students amongst the groups.
  • Put the remaining students in their own group.
  • Manually add the remaining members to groups.

6. Click Submit to create the groups.

Student View

Student View is located in the Tools section. It allows instructors to navigate a course from the student point of view. This tool helps instructors to:

  • See course content exactly as students will see it
  • Navigate the course
  • Submit an assignment
  • Troubleshoot issues that students may have in a course
  • Take a test to verify functionality
  • View availability of content

Anything done while in Student View will be labeled as Demo User with a number. The Demo User will appear as a student in the Grade Center and on the class roster after use.

To leave Student View, click the Return to Teacher View button.


Use of the Syllabus tool is not recommended. To upload a syllabus, use Create Item instead.

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