Each spring, Concordia University Texas hosts NatureFest, a week-long event dedicated to learning about and celebrating the unique natural setting of the University.
NatureFest features tours of the nature preserve, live animal demonstrations, and
more! Bring your family to enjoy Concordia's beautiful campus and preserve, and get
to know the Office of Environmental Stewardship, who will guide tours of the preserve
and Tornado Trail.
Most importantly, we encourage you to get outside for classes, meetings, prayer, and
leisure throughout the year.
Loss of our world’s biodiversity is happening at a startling fast rate. For most of us, it’s hard to understand what we can still save when we have had few to no first-hand interactions with our world’s listed species. After all, our most threatened species are also our rarest.
During Nature Fest, Artist and Educator, Juliet Whitsett will install part of her Biodiversity of Texas series along the covered walkway between buildings E & F. - This QR interactive exhibit centers on the colors, lives and forms of some of Texas’ rarest and most at risk, and even features species Concordia is actively preserving! - Display will be up all week!
Follow CTX Environmental Stewardship on social media channels for information or visit the University Calendar for more information. #CTXNatureFest
Don't miss out on some exciting Nature Fest Events
All Things Wild Education Program
Outdoor Chapel/ Pack the House