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News & Current Events

(NewsBank) 1977 - present. Comprehensive news collection ideal for exploring issues events at the local, regional, national international level.

(NewsBank) 1977-present. A pre-defined topic search for International Studies that links directly to issues events at the local, regional, national international level

(NewsBank) Coverage from 1989 through today, including full color pages, full-text & web-only content

(EBSCO) Flipster is a next-generation digital magazine solution that makes it easy for you to read select popular magazines on your computer or mobile device (for enhanced features, mobile users may install the free Flipster app. Available for iOS and Android devices).

(GALE CENGAGE Learning) Online contextual information & opinions on hundreds of today's hottest social issues

(NewsBank/Readex) Explore more than 100 historical newspapers chronicling American history from 1690 to 1922.

(NewsBank) Coverage from 1985 through today, including full color pages, full-text & web-only content

(Infobase, formerly Facts on File) Updated weekly, with links to a 12-year back-file.

(EBSCO) Dates vary

  • Newsstream (Global) Please note, this database is not searchable via our Jump Start/Discovery search platform.

(ProQuest) Access news & newspapers from the U.S. and the world.

(EBSCO) Dates vary

(EBSCO) Dates vary

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