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Student Writing Tools

These instructions are for students. For instructor support topics, click here.

Writing Tools


How do I create a journal entry?

  1. Log into Blackboard and select the course.
  2. Locate the journal in Course Content (either under Tools or a link in the side bar).
  3. Click the journal name.
  4. Click Create Journal Entry.
  5. Type in a title and write entry in the Entry Message section.
  6. Click Post Entry to create entry.

How do I edit a journal entry?

  1. Log into Blackboard and select the course.
  2. Locate the journal in Course Content (either under Tools or a link in the side bar).
  3. Click the journal name.
  4. Find the entry by scrolling down or using the Index on the right side of the screen.
  5. Click on the double down arrows next to the journal name.
  6. Click Edit.
  7. Make your corrections and click Submit to save changes.

How do I comment on a journal entry?

  1. Log into Blackboard and select the course.
  2. Locate the journal in Course Content (either under Tools or a link in the side bar)
  3. Click the journal name.
  4. Find the entry by scrolling down or using the Index on the side and click Comment.
  5. Type in your comment.
  6. Click Add.

Discussion Board

How do I create a thread?

  1. Log into Blackboard and select the course.
  2. Go to the navigation panel on the left and click Discussions.
  3. Click the forum you want to post in.
  4. Click Create Thread at the top of the page.
  5. Type a subject and message.
  6. Click Submit.

How do I reply to a thread with a post?

  1. Log into Blackboard and select the course.
  2. Go to the navigation panel on the left and click Discussions.
  3. Click the forum you want to post in.
  4. Click on the thread you would like to reply to.
  5. Click Reply.
  6. Type your reply.
  7. Click Submit.

How do I create a forum? (Instructors Only)

  1. Log into Blackboard and select the course.
  2. Go to the navigation panel on the left and click Discussions.
  3. Click on Create Forum.


How do I create a blog entry?

  1. Log into Blackboard and select the course.
  2. Click Course Content and locate Blog.
  3. Click the blog name.
  4. Click Create Blog Entry.
  5. Name your entry.
  6. Type the message. Remember, blogs can be viewed and read by the instructor and other students in the course.
  7. Click Post Entry.

How do I comment on a blog?

  1. Log into Blackboard and select the course.
  2. Click Course Content and locate Blog.
  3. Click the blog name.
  4. Click Comment below the blog entry.
  5. Type your comment.
  6. Optional: If your instructor has enabled anonymous posting, you may check the box in the left corner to leave an anonymous comment.
  7. Click Add.

How do I delete an entry?

Students can only delete their own entries if the instructor has allowed this option.

  1. Log into Blackboard and select the course.
  2. Click Course Content and locate Blog.
  3. Click the blog name.
  4. Click on your name on the right side under More Blogs.
  5. Click the dropdown arrows next to the blog entry name.
  6. Select Delete.

How do I delete a comment?

Students can only delete their own comments if the instructor has allowed this option.

  1. Log into Blackboard and select the course.
  2. Click Course Content and locate Blog.
  3. Click the blog name.
  4. Click the author's name on the right side under More Blogs.
  5. Click Comments.
  6. Click the Delete Comment button.
  7. Click OK.


How do I create a wiki page?

  1. Log into Blackboard and select the course.
  2. Select Tools from the course menu on the left.
  3. Select Wikis.
  4. Select the wiki, then click Create a Wiki Page.
  5. Name your page and enter content in the text box.
  6. Click Submit.

How do I edit a wiki page?

  1. Log into Blackboard and select the course.
  2. Select Tools from the course menu on the left.
  3. Select Wikis.
  4. Select the wiki, then click Edit Wiki Content next to the wiki page name.
  5. Make your changes.
  6. Click Submit.

How do I comment on a wiki?

  1. Log into Blackboard and select the course.
  2. Select Tools from the course menu on the left.
  3. Select Wikis.
  4. Select the wiki, then click Comment on the wiki page name.
  5. Enter comment.
  6. Click Submit.


The Glossary gives you the ability to list important terms and definitions. It is easier to use than a wiki, but is more limited in its focus.

How do I create terms for the glossary?

  1. Select the course.
  2. Select Tools from the course menu on the left.
  3. Select Glossary.
  4. Click on the Create Term button.
  5. Enter term and definition.
  6. Click Submit.
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