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Honors Program

A Supportive & Engaging Community of Scholars

The Honors Program supports a cohort community of intellectually curious, creative. and highly motivated students.

Its mission is to challenge and engage the curiosity of a community of outstanding students.

As a community of scholars, students engage in academically rigorous, interdisciplinary, enriching courses and in developing as Christian leaders. Emphasis is on self-exploration within local and global communities, and graduates are prepared to excel in their chosen vocation while serving their communities as responsible local and global citizens.

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Challenging Curriculum

The Honors Program offers transformational, alternative curriculum that is challenging, fun, and experiential. Program flexibility allows students to combine it with most majors or programs offered at the University.

Honors Program Course Requirements

First Semester Second Semester
LDR 1100 Life & Leadership COM 1371H Communication for Social
PSY 1311H Honors INtroduction to Psychology REL Honors Religion
POLS 2371H Honors American Politics ESC 1102H Honors Environmental Science
Third Semester Fourth Semester
ENG 2371H Great Texts FA2301H Honors Arts Experience of ATX
MTH 1370H Honors Mathematics & Effective Thinking PHL 3302 Ethics in the Christian Tradition


Program Activities & Benefits

  • Cohort community of intellectually curious, creative, driven students
  • Specialized, dynamic general education experience
  • Austin, Texas, as a classroom
  • Exploration of self within local and global communities
  • Small group discussions
  • Emphasis on experiential learning
  • Opportunities to build relationships with peers and professors
  • Freedom to fail
  • Honors Program distinction on academic transcript and at commencement ceremony
  • Honors Program scholarships
  • Specialized advising
  • Participation in co-curricular Honors Program activities and meals

Eligibility, Admission Requirements, & How to Apply


New freshmen and continuing students are eligible to apply for admission to the Honors Program.

While oriented primarily toward students who have achieved a certain level of academic success with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.

To remain in good standing in the Honors Program, a student must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.25 or higher. Students receiving a grade of D in any Honors course may be put on probation from the program.


First-Time Freshmen:

  • HS GPA 3.0 on 4.0 scale
  • Formal application form
  • Professional resume
  • Reaction essay to community-themed prompt

Continuing Students:

  • College GPA 3.5 on a 4.0 scale
  • Formal application form
  • Professional resume
  • Faculty recommendation
  • Reaction essay to community-themed prompt


Admission to the Honors Program is determined by a committee of program co-directors and is conducted on a rolling basis until all slots are filled.

How to Apply

To apply to become a member of the Honors Program, you must first apply and be admitted to the university.

For more information on the Honors Program application process or to begin the process, talk to your admissions counselor or contact the program co-directors, Dr. Eric Staron or Dr. Monica Yndo.

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Contact Co-Directors

Eric Staron, Chair of Mathematics
Office: D-165

Monica Yndo, Assistant Professor of Psychology


Office: C-178


Honors Program Courses


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