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Alternative Ways to Earn Credits

  • Credentialed Learning

    Concordia University Texas recognizes the learning that takes place through external licensing organizations and agrees to award academic credit for the following licenses.


    Licensing Organization

    Documentation Required

    Transfer Credit



    Texas Dept. of Health, Bureau of Emergency Management AND National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT)

    Copy of License Training transcript from non-credit program

    Paramedic: BIO 3311and 3411 plus 12 hrs. upper level elective and 18 hrs. lower level elective

    Intermediate: BIO 3311 and 3411

    Basic 6 hrs. elective

    Includes in-state and out-of-state training begun Fall, 1999 or after. Training begun prior to Fall 99: Basic, same. Intermediate & Paramedic, no direct transfer— use portfolio assessment. Specialties like pediatric care or obstetrics—use portfolio assessment


    Texas Fire Commission

    License Training transcript from non-credit program

    Basic: 9 hrs. elective

    Firefighters are required to have the basic EMT license and should apply for this credit also. Advanced licenses or special competencies— use portfolio assessment.

    Human Resource Professional

    Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)

    Current certification

    PHR: BADM 3340 Human Resource Management

    SPHR: BADM 3340 Human Resource Management and BADM 4340 Organizational Staffing

    Check certificate for currency; if expired, use portfolio assessment. Maximum combined award for both certificates is 6 hours. Advanced or specialized learning—use portfolio assessment

    Texas Basic Peace Officer


    License Training transcript from non-credit program

    CRIJ 1301 Introduction to Criminal Justice

    CRIJ 2328 Police Systems and Practices

    CRIJ 3302 Criminal Law

    KIN 1301 Personal Wellness

    For additional advanced licenses and specializations— use portfolio assessment. Officers trained and licensed prior to 1981—use portfolio assessment

    Real Estate Salesperson

    Texas Real Estate Commission

    License, Training transcript from non-credit program (now available on TREC website)

    Elective: 8 hrs.

    Inactive licenses (i.e. “between brokers”) qualify for this award. Expired licenses do not. Mandatory continuing ed. Courses for license maintenance, higher licenses and designations

    Certified Legal Assistant

    National Association of Legal Assistants (NALA)


    Elective: 12 hrs.

    For CLA specialty exams, Texas Board of Legal Specialization (TBLS), and Paralegal Advanced Competency Exam (PACE), use portfolio assessment.

    Project Management

    Project Management Institute


    BADM 3330 Project Management

    Students with this credential may have additional portfolio

    ISTE Certification

    International Society for Technology in Education

    Copy of certification from ISTE

    EDTC 5315 Foundations of Innovative Design

    Certifications earned within the past 5 years are accepted.


  • Prior Learning Assessment

    Prior Learning Assessment Portfolio

    Most of the knowledge with which people function on a daily basis is acquired outside the classroom — from parents, friends, personal reading, travel, experience on the job, etc.

    "Life experience," "work experience," "experiential learning," "previous learning experiences," etc., are used to identify the growth which takes place over the course of an adult's lifetime. Concordia uses the term "acquired experiential learning."

    Concordia, like most regionally-accredited institutions, does not award credit for life experiences. Credit is awarded for the learning acquired from life experiences. The acquired learning must be related to the Concordia curriculum and, specifically, to courses taught at Concordia. The important thing to remember is that a student's acquired learning will mean nothing to the Portfolio Reviewers unless the acquired learning can be documented. It is also important to be able to demonstrate that the skill(s), knowledge and competencies are at the college level.

    Upon initial reflection, students may question whether they have anything in their background worthy of being awarded credit. A good principle to keep in mind is that life is filled with learning awaiting documentation. Your Student Academic Planner can assist you in determining what constitutes appropriate documentation of experiential learning.

    The Portfolio Assessment Process

    Earning credit through the development, submission and assessment of a portfolio is a way to showcase knowledge acquired through experiential learning. If a student decides to pursue this avenue, they must realize that the process will require a thoughtful review of the knowledge, skills, and abilities acquired and an understanding of what documentation is available to support the declaration of learning.

    Information on completion of a Prior Learning Assessment portfolio is available from a Student Academic Planner. Concordia grants up to eighteen (18) credit hours for properly documented prior experiential learning that demonstrates achievement of all outcomes for specific courses in an approved Concordia major. PLA credit may not be used to satisfy Concordia distinctive courses, nor satisfy residency requirements for graduation. PLA credit is awarded on a Pass/No Pass basis. Concordia University does not grant block credit and will not award PLA credit based on internships, Independent Study courses or courses for which CLEP or other equivalency exams exist (as listed in the Concordia Academic Catalog). Maximum use will be made of national, standardized equivalency exams to award credit for prior experiential learning.

    Students are responsible for supplying clear and convincing documentation to support their PLA petition. Concordia may not accept documentation of experiential learning acquired while the student attended an institution that was not accredited by a regional accrediting association. Students may not petition for PLA credit using a course for which they have already received credit on a college-level transcript. Once submitted, the PLA petition is reviewed by selected faculty at Concordia University Texas. Final approval is given by the Vice President of Academic Operations and notification comes from the Office of Academic Operations. All material submitted with the PLA petition becomes the property of Concordia University Texas.

    Students intending to submit a portfolio for PLA evaluation must submit it no later than six months prior to their anticipated date of graduation. The PLA assessment fee for each petition submitted must be paid in advance with a copy of the receipt included in the portfolio at the time of submission. PLA credit is awarded in the term in which the petition is approved by the Vice President of Academic Operations.

    Concordia University Texas does not accept PLA-type credit from other institutions.

  • CLEP Credit

    CLEP Exam Credit

    Currently enrolled students may submit CLEP scores for evaluation for credit. Students must score at or above the ACE recommended passing grade on the appropriate CLEP examination (usually 50 but may vary with certain tests). Concordia University Texas will award equivalency credit for the following:

    CLEP Examinations

    Concordia Course Equivalent(s)

    Financial Accounting

    ACC 2301


    BIO 1401

    Principles of Management

    BADM 3311

    Business Law

    BADM 3321

    Principles of Marketing

    BADM 3350


    CHE 1341 & CHE 1342*

    Principles of Macroeconomics

    ECO 2301

    Principles of Microeconomics

    ECO 2302

    College Composition

    ENG 1316

    Analysis and Interpretation of Literature

    ENG 1317

    American Literature

    ENG 2303

    English Literature

    ENG 2305

    French Language: Levels 1 and 2

    FRE 1401 & FRE 1402 *

    German Language: Levels 1 and 2

    GER 1401 & GER 1402 II*

    American Government

    POLS 1303

    History of the United States I

    HIS 1301

    History of the United States II

    HIS 1302

    College Algebra

    MTH 1351


    MTH 1352


    MTH 2401 & MTH 2402*

    Human Growth and Development

    PSY 2301

    Introduction to Sociology

    SOC 1301**

    Spanish Language: Levels 1 and 2*


    Minimum Score: 48 — Credit for SPN 1401
    Minimum Score: 50 — Credit for SPN 1401 and SPN 1402
    Minimum Score: 58 — Credit for SPN 1401, SPN 1402, and SPN 2311
    Minimum Score: 66 — Credit for SPN 1401, SPN 1402, SPN 2311, and SPN 2312

    *ACE recommended test scores will determine if Modern or Classical Language, calculus or chemistry credit will be awarded.

    **Transfer credit for SOC 1301 will not satisfy the Concordia Common Experience: Experiential Learning requirement.

    A maximum of 30 credit hours may be earned by examination for application toward the Bachelor Degrees. Concordia will determine the award of postsecondary academic credit for extra institutional credit-by-examination programs related to the student's educational objective at Concordia based on the most recent recommendations by the American Council on Education. Concordia assumes no responsibility for awarding credit for examinations taken that are not on the acceptable list for such credit.

  • Advanced Placement Exams (AP)

    Concordia University Texas accepts college credit for satisfactory scores on the College Board's Advanced Placement Examinations. Scores of 3, 4, or 5 = Satisfactory CE (Credit by Exam) Scores of 1 or 2 = Unsatisfactory No Credit. Admitted students who receive satisfactory scores in the subject areas indicated by the Advanced Placement Examinations will be awarded equivalency credit for the Concordia courses as indicated below:

    AP Examination

    Concordia Course Equivalent(s)


    BIO 1401


    CHE 1341 & CHE 1141

    Computer Science

    CIS 1300

    Economics: Macro

    ECO 2301

    Economics Micro

    ECO 2302

    English Language Comp

    ENG 1316

    English Literature & Comp

    ENG 1317

    Environmental Science

    ESC 1302 & ESC 1102L; ESC 1402

    European History

    HIS 2322

    Gov't & Politics: USA

    POLS 1303

    Human Geography

    HIS 1312

    United States History

    HIS 1301 & 1302

    World History: Modern

    HIS 2312

    Latin (both tests)

    Foreign Lang. Req.


    MTH 2301

    Math: Calculus AB

    MTH 2401

    Math: Calculus BC

    MTH 2402

    Music Theory

    Fine Arts Req.

    Physics B

    PHY 1401 & 1402

    Physics 1

    PHY 1401 or PHY 1441

    Physics 2

    PHY 1402

    Physics C: Mechanics

    PHY 1401 or PHY 1441

    Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism

    PHY 1402


    PSY 1311

    Spanish Language

    Foreign Lang. Req.

    *AP Exam transfer credits do not fulfill experiential learning requirements in the Concordia Common Experience curriculum.

    Admitted students who receive satisfactory scores in other Advanced Placement Examinations that do not have a Concordia equivalent will be granted three hours of credit. The Advanced Placement Examinations in this category include: Art History, Studio Art – all exams, Comparative Government, and French Politics.

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